HikerAlert Member Support

If you have comments, questions or would like to receive more information, please complete and submit this form.

You can also find answers to frequently asked questions by scrolling down a bit further on this page.

* Indicates required information

Frequently Asked Questions

Does HikerAlert track a member's location?

No, HikerAlert does not track or record a member's location.

Does HikerAlert directly contact 911 or other emergency agencies?

No, HikerAlert does not directly contact 911 or other emergency agencies. In the event of a HikerAlert member being overdue from a trip, HikerAlert only notifies the member's designated personal emergency contacts (i.e. friends or family). Then, those emergency contacts are reponsible for contacting the appropriate agencies. The HikerAlert member may list the appropriate agencies for the friends and family to call when the time comes.

Does HikerAlert offer group memberships?

Yes, HikerAlert offers group membership to clubs, businesses, and other organizations. Variably discounted membership rates are applied, depending on the number of members registered. To inquire about group membership rates and registrations, please send your inquiry to our member support department by using the form at the top of this webpage.

How do I cancel my HikerAlert Membership?

As an active HikerAlert member, log in to your account page, here: https://hikeralert.com/account/. Next, scroll to bottom of that page and click the orange "Delete Account" button. You will be asked to confirm the cancelation by entering your password. Upon entering the correct password, your HikerAlert membership, along with your annual membership payment subscription, will be immediately deleted. If you cancel your membership within 30 days of your initial registration, you may also request a full refund of your annual membership fee. Send your refund request to our member support department by using the form at the top of this webpage.